It’s the New Year – which means New Year’s resolutions and goals to accomplish this year
seems to be all people are talking about. However, for many of you, this may be the year you begin applying to colleges. While it can be hard to stick to new habits for 365 days, the idea of starting the year off fresh, excited, and eager to tackle the new is the perfect excuse to start thinking about your plan for setting yourself up for success in your college application process.
We’ve all been there – a deadline is fast approaching, you feel like there is still so much to
complete, and you find yourself overwhelmed while trying to submit your best quality of work.
Sometimes, that crunch time is unavoidable, but when it comes to the college process, you
have the benefit of knowing deadlines and application dates months in advance. Although it’s
easy to see January on the calendar and tell yourself you have 9 months before the college
process begins, to really maximize your time and afford yourself the best opportunity to reflect
upon what you want from college, I’d encourage you to take the spirit of the New Year and begin
planning out your next 9-12 months now. What do you still want to accomplish? What teachers would you potentially ask for a letter of recommendation? What type of college do you see
yourself at? You don’t need to have all the answers yet, but beginning to think about these
things can go a long way!
It’s natural to feel overwhelmed when beginning something new, but mapping out a long-term
plan and setting mini goals or check-ins for yourself can take one daunting process and turn it
into small steps that feel approachable and conquerable. It also gives yourself time to think
about what you really want, rather than making a rush decision or submitting an application that
isn’t your best work.
There are always things to be excited about in the New Year and getting ready for all the new
opportunities ahead can be one of them!