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The Syllabus

Matthew Foreman

One thing that doesn't get talked about enough is the importance of a syllabus. You don't want to be a victim of the most humbling three words, "Check The Syllabus" after carefully constructing a long, well thought out email to your professor asking what the homework is. Your professor will show you how to access the syllabus on the first day, but it is usually available online (Canvas, Blackboard, etc.). The site you usually find your syllabus on, is usually whatever platform you submit the bulk of your assignments! Unlike the syllabuses in high school, a college syllabus will be your first point of contact for all your course concerns.

Syllabuses Cover

- Exam dates

- Teachers preferred name

- Preferred way of contact

- Grading scale

- Important dates (field trips)

- Homework

- Rules/Expectations

The syllabus usually has important directions to follow, and I personally have had a lot of problems because of my mistakes. In High school, the syllabus was just another thing we needed to get signed, but in college the Syllabus has the answer to almost any course question you are looking for. In freshman year, I got a zero on one of my first ever college midterm because I didn't follow the directions correctly on the syllabus. Even this past semester, I had a professor in business law who refused to answer emails if the subject line was not in the EXACT same format that he highlighted on his syllabus. Since these instances, I personally have made it a habit to thoroughly look through my syllabus my first day, as well as before I ask my professors any course related questions.

You will learn very quickly the importance of a syllabus in your college journey. In fact, the first week of classes is often referred to as "Syllabus Week", because most of what your professor will be reviewing the syllabus. This time is tremendously important for students because it gives time to prepare for the weeks ahead. I suggest college students start looking through the syllabus their first week, and add important dates, as well as assignments to their calendars to start preparing an agenda for the year.



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